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Information about the publisher
La Cuverie de Vosne
1 rue des communes
21700 Vosne-Romanée
Tel: +33 (0)7 88 23 17 38
Email: contact@lacuveriedevosne.fr
Publishing director
Akyos Communication – Creation website
5 rue de Mayence – 21000 Dijon
Tél. : 03 80 10 23 57 – info[at]akyos.com
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15 Boulevard de Brosses – Startway Bat. A – 21000 Dijon – France
SIRET: 404 951 584 000 55 – APE: 7311Z
Tél : +33 (0)3 80 50 01 32
Responsibility for links to other sites
The lacuveriedevosne.fr website may propose numerous links to other sites, mainly official sites (institutions, public bodies) but also to French or foreign sites, associations or partner companies for specific operations.
Each time, it is systematically specified to which site we suggest you go. These pages, whose addresses are regularly checked, are not part of the lacuveriedevosne.fr site: the editorial staff of the site is not responsible for them and cannot be held liable for the content to which these links lead. Their sole purpose is to give Internet users easier access to other documentary resources on the subject consulted.
Siège social:10 rue Sainte-Barbe – 21700 – VOSNE-ROMANEE
RCS (Dijon) : 830 699 930
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